25 February 2015

Simple 12V blinker (strobe) For Horns,Brakelight etc

Its a simple 555 Astable multi-vibrator circuit, for blinking 12V DC.

  • It can be connected for brake light, blinking brake-lights draws more attentions than normal ones.
  • Can be connected for horns for stroked sound (relay is needed).
  • Can be used with LED strips.

Below schematic shows circuit of blinker.


  1. U1: LM555
  2. Resistors: R1:100 Ohm, R3:220 Ohm
  3. Variable resistor (Potentiometer)R2 2K ohm
  4. Capacitors: C1: 22uF(electrolytic),C2: 10nF (Ceramic or tantalum).
  5. Transistor Q1 MJE200G or any NPN power Transistor
  6. Diodes: D1: 1N4007, D2: 1N4745 (16V zener) -1 
  7. Relay*.
* Ground may be body or battery -ve terminal.
*No need of 10K resister at output.

Connection for brake light:

PCB layout & Project files:

If You have any problems, Comment below.


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